Sunday, 25 May 2014

3.11 evaluate the factors relevant to the choice of method used in the manufacture of ethanol, for example the relative availability of sugar cane and crude oil

Fermentation vs Hydration of Ethene

Hydration of Ethene
Raw Materials
Use renewable sources
Uses non-renewable crude oil
Type of process
Batch process
Continuous process
Rate of reaction
Very slow
Quality of Product
Produces a dilute solution of ethanol that needs processing for pure ethanol
Produces pure ethanol
Reaction conditions
Low temperatures required
High temps and pressures means increased cost
The method chosen depends on many factors:
  • If you have a climate suited to growing sugar cane then fermentation's better but if crude oil is more widely available then hydration of ethene is better.
  • If a dilute solution of ethanol is required for the production of wine or vinegar then fermentation is better
  • If pure ethanol is required is required for a solvent then the hydration of ethene would be better.

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